Sunday, February 17, 2008

HERE is your opportunity for international exposure of your work!

POETRY PROTOCOL, Syndicate is currently accepting poetry for it's International Poetry Quarterly. You also have the opportunity to submit your work for the '10TH ANNUAL MARILYN FARBER JACOBS POETRY AWARD' Contest! Grand prize: ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS!! Second Place: $50; Honorable Mention Certificates Awarded. SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: Theme: open - any style or genre of poetry; 20 lines or less; typed or printed, double spaced; deadline is March 18, 2008; entry fee: $5 for unlimited poem entries. Please make check out to: North Tulsa Literary Guild, Inc. and mail to North Tulsa Literary Guild, P.O. Box 6221, Tulsa, OK 74148-0221. ANYONE CAN ENTER!